Come learn from Patrick with the Department of Workforce Services on how DWS can help your business grow and flourish

By Utah Better Your Business Breakfast Seminar (other events)

Tuesday, February 20 2024 9:00 AM 10:30 AM MDT

We are so excited to have Patrick Donegan come and present at our first BYB Seminar of 2024.    Patrick grew up in Southern California.  He is a HUGE sports fan, having played soccer, basketball, football, and baseball growing up and the latter three sports through high school.  Patrick is married and a father to four beautiful children.  Patrick Donegan, from the State of Utah, Department of Workforce Services, Workforce Development Division has over seventeen years’ experience working as a Workforce Development Specialist. Patrick will be coming and talking about how to take advantage of DWS programs and services.  Patrick helps serves employers in Utah, Summit, Wasatch, and Juab counties currently. He will be talking about why every W-2 paying company should be working with DWS. Patrick works with local community groups, non-profits, local chambers, education partners, municipalities, and advocacy organizations; all with the common objective of improving the local economic situation. 

Patrick has helped place thousands of job seekers in careers with various employers across Utah. Patrick has been very successful at placing customers on wage reimbursement programs such as On the Job Training (OJT) and Youth Employment Internship Opportunities (EIO), along with placing Veterans and universal customers with employers. Patrick has chaired the widely successful Utah Valley Job Fair ( since its inception and has done many news media interviews about hiring, retaining talent, and finding a better job. Come and learn from Patrick as he explains how to find and retain talent. Learn about job postings, apprenticeships, work opportunity tax credits and more. It's not often you get a PRO helping you navigate the waters of the Department of Workforce Services. Be sure to register today!

This Seminar is approved for 1 SHRM and 1 HRCI credit. Cards will be passed out after the seminar. Breakfast will be catered by Magleby's Fresh, so come hungry.

Utah Better Your Business Breakfast Seminar